Friday 3 May 2013

Topographic Inspiration

In order to create a true homage to the brilliance of the Danish, female Archtiects Dortre Mandrup and Karen Clemmensen I felt it necessary to research the Topographic and Geographic variations of the Lands they designed in. I decided to focus on one aspect of the varse and varied Danish Landscape, that being the Chalk Cliffs of Møns Klint, One of the Great Natural Wonders of Denmark. In this way I feel I will be able to add a touch of Authenticity and Passion to my Design, Allowing me to further resonate with the styles and modes of design that so saliently reflects the work of Mandrup and Clemmensen.

Møns Klint - after the 2007 Store Taler landslide
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Part of the Møns Klint with the Sommerspiret by Frederik Hansen Sødring (1830)
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View of the sea from Taleren on Møns Klint by Peter Christian Sokvgaard (1851)
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Part of Møns Klint by Peter Christian Skovgaard (1852)

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