Thursday 2 May 2013

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen and Karen Clemmensen née Mundt

In our second experiment for arch1101 we have been assigned two brilliant female danish architects, one living and one passed away. We are to design a monument that embodies the spirit of their architectural styles and designs. In order to do this we must of course understand the methodologies and styles associated with Karen Clemmensen and Dortre Mandrup.

Dortre is renowned for her thorough analysis of briefs, investigation of new materials, constructions and variations of space. Her tactile and poetic experience of space with conceptional clarity and accuracy resonate throughout her architecture in both large scales and detail. The evocative use of geometric shapes, clever use of lighting and lightweight steel construction contributes to a beautiful sculpural take on architectural design that I hope to replicate in my design.

Kindergarten "Akvariet" in Næstvedgade in Copenhagen deisgned by Dorte Mandrup

Extension of Munkegaard School in Hellerup in Northern Copenhagen designed by Dorte Mandrup 

Clemmensen is often appraised for her ability to create an intrinsic sense of humbleness and spacial continuity within the structures she designs. This feeling is established through clever lighting within the lighting. Furthermore Clemmensen works to integrate her structures within their environment, establishing a subtle, intimate approach to architecture that resonates with humanistic and socialist themes that surrounded her life.

The conference centre "LO Skolen", Helsingør (Helsinore), Denmark as designed by Karen Clemmensen

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